New child

Browsing These 3 Types of Online Content Can Be Dangerous for Your Growing Child


Browsing These 3 Types of Online Content Can Be Dangerous for Your Growing Child

This is the age of the internet, and young children are learning to use it at an unimaginably fast rate. They are growing up in a much different way compared to their adult counterparts. They can now access the information they need at the click of a mouse or a tap on a button. This is particularly true when social media usage is all-time high among young people.
As a parent, you should know that not everything your child sees online is good for them. There are quite a few ills of the present-day internet age that can impact growing children negatively. As such, you should be aware of the types of content that are age-inappropriate. Let’s check them out here:

1. Pornography
There are a gazillion pornographic websites on the internet these days. Even though some countries have placed bans on them by blocking their domains, some children may still end up coming across them while surfing the internet. Some of these websites even have chat rooms where nudity and inappropriate language are common. They may come across somebody who may even bully them—something that can scar the mind of growing children for life. So, you should be careful that your home’s internet has blocked these websites.
2. Political thoughts
Today, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have also become political battlefields. Politicians, celebrities and even the public leave no stone unturned to voice their political opinions on these platforms. This is particularly seen during national elections when different political parties conduct their campaigns here. They also don’t care much while slandering anyone. When growing children are exposed to such opinions, they tend to develop a negative political thought and even grow up to become resentful about some politicians and celebrities.
3. Phishing emails
There are many unscrupulous hackers lurking around in the online space to gain access to people’s personal data. Phishing emails are directed to people so that they click on malicious attachments and links. Growing children are unaware of the existence of these dangerous content and may land up clicking on it. When that happens, hackers get a gateway into people’s sensitive data like bank account and social security numbers. As such, you should always teach your kids not to click on any random email or link they come across while surfing the internet.
These are just three of the many types of online content that can prove extremely detrimental. Make sure you educate yourself and your child about the dangers of these types of content to stay safe always.